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The program that Sai conducted for us was designed for our team to explore somatic practices and their role in unlocking potential. The outcomes of the program were manyfold. As OD/ OF practitioners we are often not the recipients of some of the amazing support and enablement we provide our client groups, so it was great to treat ourselves as special and worthy of the investment! It helped the team gain deeper insight into each other. It also created opportunities for the team to have a shared experience of their aspirations, what they care about deeply, and where their biggest unlock could come from. What I specifically liked about the work was the ease with which Sai engaged with the team, her openness to flex the design to meet the teams’ emerging energy and needs, all the time considering if she was still able to deliver the value we were looking for in our limited time.

Amrita Madiah

Senior Director & India Leader - Talent management, development & D&I, Adobe

Service: Bespoke Program for Talent Management Team

We place great importance on developing strong leaders in our organization and over the years Sailaja Manacha has helped us in several ways. Through her programs at TA101, Women at Work, Step Up and most recently a customized development program targeting senior women in the organization, she has been able to work with different groups of employees to help them better understand the importance of making a positive difference in every aspect of life. Her techniques and abilities to bring around self-awareness and self-engagement have created a significant impact on both the employee and our organization.

Srikanth Vachaspati

Head – Vice President and Head: People & Organization, Siemens Technology and Services

Service: Bespoke Leadership Programmes, TA 101, Step Up – Emerging Women’s Leadership Programme, PropelHER- Senior Women’s Leadership

Sai conducted a bespoke leadership development program for our high-potential managers. One thing that stood out for me was that the program brought about a real change in their behavior and attitude. Some of them went that extra mile and really transformed themselves. There are tons of training programs and facilitators available for leadership development, but very few aim at bringing about real change and impact. Sai is one such rare breed who is passionate about her craft. Her in depth approach towards understanding the specific needs of your organization and designing from scratch to address your needs is commendable.

Harsh Bapat

Vice-President and Head of Mobility, Siemens Advanta

Service: Bespoke Prog for High-potential managers

The program that Sai conducted for us was apt to cater to the learning needs of our senior leaders. She covered the pertinent concepts related to Presence, Stakeholder Engagement, and Empathetic Leadership that encourages “Care Conversations” to address difficult issues. The outcomes of the program included Leaders understanding the essence of Presence and its relevance. Sai demonstrated how to use the concept of Care to initiate tough conversations. The team allocated time to thoroughly explore their established relationships with stakeholders, as well as strategize on enhancing stakeholder engagement.

What I specifically liked about the work was ‘Shift the conversation to shift results’.  When anticipated outcomes are not achieved, leaders must adeptly adjust key communications to guide stakeholders effectively toward achieving our goals.

Mitu Mehra

Senior Director, People Experience, PowerSchool

Service: Bespoke Program for the India Leadership team

Sai has been a formidable force in our efforts to develop women leaders and a key partner in our organizational journey over the years. She brings in key insights from her psychology, counseling, and corporate experience, and intense work with women across the industry. This comes across in her sessions and works wonders in enabling breakthrough behavioral change and accelerating personal transformation.

Her deep empathy and “soft power” contrasts with her powerful presence and ability to drive provocative, difficult conversations – it’s an honor to work with Sai and I’ll forever be in awe of who she is!

Shikha Pillai

Global Head of Sustainability, Siemens Healthineers

Service: Bespoke Program Emerging Women’s Leadership

I had the opportunity to undergo a leadership course under Sai almost a decade ago. It was primarily focused on transactional analysis. The course was well-designed and very interactive. I would rate this course as one of the best in my professional career. Sai was fantastic as our coach. I would highly recommend her and look forward to an opportunity to learn with her guidance again.

Rajat Makar

Director Of Engineering, Walmart Global Tech India

Service: Bespoke Prog for top talent

Sai is an extremely passionate transformative C-Suite Executive Coach/Leadership coach and has been Coaching many Leaders for the last 20 years on Transformations, Transitions, Successions, Impact, and influence from top to first-level leadership.

I am familiar with her work from my days at Huawei Technologies. With her Expert Coaching interventions, she helped our managers on making better decisions & lead their lives with purposeful clarity and guided them on how to master their untamed minds and develop the art of emotional, social, and spiritual intelligence in a holistic manner. Her Coaching interventions ignited the lens of wisdom in many leaders.

We had conducted many deep People Management and Mindset transformation Workshops for our leaders and her impactful coaching helped these managers to reflect on their ability and improve their effectiveness with enhanced accountability & ownership, eventually engaging top talent and helping build a high-performing environment at Huawei.

She had also done multiple mindfulness-oriented workshops for our leaders on Self-reflection, understanding self’s/ own strengths & weaknesses and Better handling of situations, better relationships/connecting with team members & building trust. Her Leadership Coaching interventions are highly recommended especially Individualised Role Plays & and on-the-spot feedback has received very high appreciation from participants.

Pratima Gupta

HR Head India, Sequoia

Service: Bespoke Programs, Senior leadership development & 1-1 coaching

Had the opportunity of engaging Sailaja Manacha on the Indegene D&I- IAMPOWER Women’s Leadership program. Our need was to build impactful conversational capabilities for women in mid-managerial roles. Sai, with her thorough understanding of people and their needs, and our organizational imperatives, masterfully crafted and delivered the immersive program virtually over 3 months. In every session, she ensured the whole group had significant learning that they could experiment with, and come back for feedback and validation. The coaching sessions, somatic work, and facilitation practices were all a unique combination that met the needs of every individual as well as the group. Considering that she has been working in the Women’s Empowerment space for a long time now, our expectations were high and we are glad to have invested in a rich program such as this one, which has enabled our women leaders to grow into our future leaders.

Pushpa BN

Director - Learning and Development, Indegene

Service: Bespoke Women’s Leadership Program

Working remotely during the pandemic while at  Cerner posed a challenge to new team members as they often felt lost and unconnected with the rest of the team. As a leader during these testing times, it’s important to prepare your leadership team for the challenges that you’ll face as a team.

Sailaja Manacha suggested two learning sessions: Virtual Teaming and Change Management. She designed a program named CCC: Connections, Conversations, and Change, which she delivered to all the people managers in my organization. These CCC sessions, though conducted on a virtual platform, were very engaging and impactful. With her outstanding facilitation skills, Sai could elicit a lot of participants to open up and speak about their challenges and share their best practices.

Post these sessions, I have seen a change in my managers. They seem more focused on building relationships and strength in the team. While dealing with ambiguity, they are actively sharing care and concerns, and providing feedback, and communicating effectively. My heartfelt thanks to Sai for designing and delivering this impactful program for my organization.

Lalitha JS

Vice President, Site Leader, HST Global

Service: Bespoke Program for Leadership Development

1:1 Leadership Coaching

Sai stepped in to coach a senior leader as they transitioned into a leadership role.

Sai navigated the coaching with enough empathy, and challenge and used a combination of various tools for this. Key stakeholders reported visible changes in the way this leader led their team, the business, and also in their stakeholder engagement. Sai has been a trusted partner and her direct involved manner of engagement makes it very easy to work with her. Her coachee acknowledged her quickness to dial into the real issues, hold them accountable, and challenge them towards outcomes, all while creating a sense of safety and trust. It’s been great working with Sai, and I always find her to be a very engaged partner.

Amrita Madiah

Talent Management, Development and D&I Leader, Adobe

Service: 1:1 Leadership Coaching

I had the opportunity to work with Sailaja or Sai as she is known a few years ago. As an executive coach, Sai helped me better understand several aspects of my work style and personality, which directly contributed to improvements both at work and in my personal life. Her style of exploration and generation of solutions and alternatives to handle diverse situations has been of great help to me.

You may be doing great in your personal and professional life, but the presence of a coach will help you scale hitherto unknown heights.  I will highly recommend Sai as an executive coach to one and all.

Vijay Narsapur

VP & SBU Head: Customer Service, Digital Services, and HRO practices, Infosys BPO Ltd, India

Service: 1:1 Leadership Coaching

For leaders looking to drive impact, Sai’s unique coaching is invaluable. Insights will be followed by an action-oriented plan and she will hold you accountable to the goals you set. For me personally, there were quite a few aha moments and tenets that continue to be relevant.

For leaders looking to drive impact, Sai’s unique coaching is invaluable.

Madhusudhan Hegde

EVP & BU Head, Coforge

Service: 1:1 Leadership Coaching

As an executive coach, Sailaja Manacha brings in a powerful combination of radical care and candor. Through this, she provides a high degree of clarity to the leaders by helping them know themselves better and supporting them to confront their limiting behaviors and beliefs. Sai holds the mirror for the leaders in a psychologically safe and strongly ethical way. She creates high accountability in leaders to own their development journey and ensure to move forward by seeking support from people across the hierarchy. Sai ensured a transparent and seamless alignment among her, the coachee, the coachee’s manager, and me to facilitate a supportive journey for the leader (coachee) to move forward in their growth. I absolutely enjoyed working with Sai and I look forward to working with her in the future for co-creating such experiences for more leaders.

Veena Sethuraman

Author, Vice President & Head of learning and Organizational Development, InMobi

Service: 1-1 Leadership Coaching

Working with Sai on multiple development and coaching interventions has been a joy. Her profound need analysis, investment of time and energy to understand the problem, balanced view of the situation, and questioning techniques provide a perfect playground to experience solutions. I have heard from different stakeholders lovely feedback and have immense respect for her work. It’s been a pleasure to work with her.

Mamta Thapliyal

Head HR - Americas, Infosys BPM

Service: Senior Executives 1:1 Leadership Coaching

We engaged with Sai on Leadership coaching for senior leaders, which included group sessions followed by personal coaching sessions while I was at Huawei Technologies. I can confidently say that it transformed us by creating complete self-awareness and empowered us with powerful techniques to deal with people rightly under any difficult situations. Without hesitation, we recommended this to the next-level leadership teams as well. This is a MUST course for any organization if you want to build result-oriented empathetic leadership.

Dinesh R Nayak

Sr. VP Engineering, ACT Fibernet

Service: Group coaching & 1:1 Leadership Coaching

Personally, I attended the coaching session by Ms. Sailaja while at Huawei Technologies, when I was getting into a bigger leadership role. That coaching helped me a lot to improve various aspects of people and stakeholder management. The skills acquired by me brought a big change in my leadership style and complemented my business skills to achieve great results. Later I suggested this training and coaching to other managers and many of our managers benefited from her workshop.

Pradip Kumar Das

Senior Director Engineering, Honeywell Forge Performance+(Enterprise SaaS), Honeywell Connected Enterprise

Service:  1:1 Leadership Coaching

In the journey of growing the school, I have grown myself in ways I find impossible to believe and something I look back on with deep fulfillment and joy. Through my work with Sai, I am acutely aware of how I can have a deep impact on the school. Sai has gently and lovingly shown me how to work through shadows and of course, how to stand in the light recognizing and honouring my gifts.

Sai has accompanied through tough terrains that the school’s biography has meandered through. I have always left those conversations revitalized and hopeful or when those emotions are elusive, with the feeling of having the capacity to simply bear the truth.

She has been a coach and a mentor. She has been the voice of love and courage. She has been a gentle hand. She has been strong and conviction. She has been a holding space and a companion spirit. She has worked not just with me but also with the school leaders and at times the parent community of Yellow Train.

Santhya Vikram

Managing Director, Yellow Train School

Service: 1:1 Leadership Coaching, School Leaders’ Development Program

For Power Up

I was introduced to Sai through her powerful work with Transactional Analysis and since then it has been for me a journey of discovering psychology and its place in leadership development. One of her most amazing strengths is to ask thought-provoking questions with care.

I’ve had the pleasure of introducing her work to teams in my organization and seeing her nurture in them a curiosity for understanding oneself to truly impact others.

I’ve been immersed in Sai’s journey with Generative Leadership through StepUp and Power Up, – as she crafted it, taught it in an in-person experience, and finally demonstrated how she would StepUp – by creating the virtual experience at scale and a bestselling book!

I’d highly recommend Sai to leaders who are keen to Step Up!

Divya Amarnath

Talent Transformation and Incubation | Leadership Development | Author | TEDx Speaker, Bosch Global Software

Service: TA 101 & Step Up & Power Up – 1 year Women’s Leadership Program

Sai- you are an angel who played, and still plays, a critical guiding light role in my life. Your powerful questions touch me so deeply and have helped me get in touch with my own self at the core. I am filled with gratitude and probably words can’t explain what I feel. You are a blessing for me.

This program was very profound for me. If you had not invited me personally and called out the need, I may have missed the great insights and learning. Thank you so much for your thinking, care, guidance, and holding the space as well.

Reena Pradeep

Associate Director of Human Resource, PepsiCo

Service: Power Up, Senior Women Leadership Programme

For Step Up

I haven’t met a person who is more passionate about women’s leadership development than Sai! She has been running the Step-up program for mid-career women leaders for many years for our business. Her colleague Jacintha teaches the Rise Up program for young career women. The aim is to help these women to get ready for the next steps in their careers. These programs have helped build their confidence to take the next steps in their roles and provided guidance on how to work through challenges that might be unique to women leaders in our ecosystem.

Harsh Bapat

Vice-President and Head of Mobility, Siemens Advanta

Service: Step Up  – Emerging Women’s Leadership Programme

I have known, worked with, and learnt immensely from Sailaja Manacha. To me, she has been a sounding board and a coach who has touched my professional life through her meaningful programs whether it was TA 101 or Step-Up. I have been able to take an inside view of myself and my behavior after I attended her programs. I also learnt the benefits of centering, taking action, and holding conversations that are crucial for my professional success. I would recommend Sai and her work to anybody who wishes to do inner work and leverage that experience to improve professionally.
Simren Mehn

Head-OD & Leadership Development-India| Award winning coach | Diversity & Inclusion champion| Speaker| Thought Leader-Talent Management

Service: TA 101 & Step Up – Women’s Leadership Programme

I attended Sai’s Step Up Women’s Leadership Program while at Siemens a few years back and it was an eye-opening experience for me.

The tools provided by Sai helped me to understand the roots of the inner critic, develop constant awareness about how it holds me back, and overcome it to the best of my abilities.
The ‘CARES’ concept introduced by Sai about ‘what truly matters’ motivated me to introspect and bring focus to the important areas of my professional and personal life. The learnings of Step Up helped me to believe in myself. It gave me the courage to take up a new opportunity.

Sai’s coaching style is engaging as it delivers the most thought-provoking lessons with force, but also in an empathic and gentle manner. Her style of facilitation is all about co-creation and the learnings really stick with you, even months after the program.

Finally, I would highly recommend Sai as a coach to ‘step up’ in your life journey.

Supriya Chitale

Open Source Program Office Manager, IKEA Group

Service: Step Up- Women Leadership Programme

Can I call her a magician an angel or a Godmother? This is how I feel when I think of her. I was lucky to be part of her Step Up program which transformed my life personally and professionally.

Changed my thought process and revealed an abundance of power, learning, and growth. I’m immensely touched by her coaching style. Her powerful voice always comes as a reminder during difficult times and allows us to find the best way forward.

Highly recommend everyone to attend all her training programs and get the benefits. Thank you Sai for being present and connected to my growth.

Sharmila Singh

Director Product Development, Siemens Technology, India

Service: PropelHer – 1 Year Women’s Leadership Development Program

Sailaja Manacha introduced me to Transactional Analysis and personal coaching and thus began my journey of self-discovery. The TA journey was a realization of sorts and helped me evolve as a person. The course was a wonderful experience and addressed those deep inner aspects of our personality, which we have come to accept as a part of us over time and take comfort in. STEP Up course is also a great initiative to create awareness and transformation for women leaders.

Prathima Prabhu

Chief People Officer, Marlabs LLC

Service: Transactional Analysis Personal Development & Step Up Women’s Leadership Program

Sailaja Manacha has been instrumental in conducting many of the leadership programs that we have been doing for our women leaders for the last 4 years. She has coached and mentored their talents, and helped them to grow in their careers.
The overall feedback for Sai from all our participants has been very positive. The energy and care she puts into her coaching have helped us nurture our women leaders.

Vikram Deshpande

AVP & Segment Head, Siemens Advanta, Smart Buildings

Service: Women’s Leadership program

“Transformative” is what comes to my mind when I think about Sai. Sai has helped me immensely in my transformation journey! I have known Sai for more than six years now and she has been my trainer and coach. I am always in awe as to how she is very compassionate and at the same time continuously challenging my thought process.

Her coaching has helped me to cross boundaries and talk myself into taking opportunities that I would have otherwise not taken. I have been able to think differently and continuously grow and broaden my areas of responsibility because of her training and coaching. Sai has helped me to unleash my potential, find and hold my ground, and communicate aptly both in my personal and professional space. She is deeply invested in her work and can truly transform anyone! Working with groups and at leadership levels, she brings in a lot of experience and her programs are action-oriented. I would highly recommend anyone (Individuals and organizations) to work with her. You will never regret that opportunity and will only be thankful to her!

Rajarajeshwari Subramaniam

Performance Coach| Head Of Finance| Organisation Consultant | Facilitator, Siemens Technology India

Service: PropelHer – 1 Year Women’s Leadership Development Program

I have been part of Sailaja Manacha’s PropelHER program and can confidently say that it transforms the way we think about ourselves, and those around us. Sai has this amazing gift of connecting to women, helping them realize their inner roadblocks, and guiding them to overcome them.
Hemalatha Gupta

Associate Vice President, Siemens

Service: PropelHer – 1 Year Women’s Leadership Development Programme

The Step Up Program with Sailaja Manacha helped me to conquer my inner critic and connect with myself. Sai is an expert leadership coach and offers practical tools and techniques to identify missing skills or missing conversations and how to shift from your practiced behaviors.

Thanks to the Step Up program, I’ve begun to say no and preserve my valuable yes for the aspirations important to me. Now, I know myself, my priorities, my goals and articulate my thoughts freely.

Garima Agarwal

Lead Technical Writer, Siemens

Service:  Step Up – Emerging Women’s Leadership Development Programme

I have interacted with Sailaja Manacha at two different trainings. Her dedication to the subject of women in leadership is highly inspiring. The Step Up program was like taking baby steps in leadership, where you know there is a friend and guide at every step of the way. The structure and the thought process bring immense self-awareness and inspiration to move forward with care, to fall but to get up again with conviction, and to have the right conversations with clarity. Thank you so much Sai for sharing your learnings! It helped me when I was surrounded by ambiguity and while I was taking up new challenges in my career.

Susmita Vaikar

Global Product Manager, Siemens Schweiz AG

Service: Step Up Women’s Leadership Development Program

I’m one of those lucky ones who got to work with Sailaja Manacha. I can say that my time with her and the Step Up program has helped me believe in myself and embrace who I am. Specifically, I worked on controlling my inner critique. I also made some declarations— things that challenged me and put me out of my comfort zone. One such declaration led me to take up a stress project as a program lead that spanned across three different countries.

My journey has been transformational and so has meeting Sai.

Ragini Mahara

Professional Services Leader, Siemens Technology India

Service: Step Up Women’s Leadership Development Programme

It was like I got on a “Roller-Coaster Ride” of “Myself”, where I got a chance to get deep insights about me, my ups and downs, and where I am now. I have seen a “Shift of Energy”, a very positive energy in myself, which I would pass on to my team as well.
Anjana AR

Project Manager, Siemens Technology India

Service: Step Up Women’s Leadership Development Programme

Step Up has made me realize that it’s time to change my lens. It taught me how to shape my future with simple yet effective tools and practices like Centering, Power of Greens, reflection, and problem-solving.

Thank you very much, Sai, for helping me create new possibilities, through Step Up.

Neeta Gaikwad

Technical Lead, Siemens Technology and Services Private Limited

Service: Step Up Women’s Leadership Development Programme

Until I joined Sailaja Manacha’s Step Up course I didn’t know that I could find a space where I could step up, extend and expand. I thank her– for the clarity, for hand-holding, for clearing up my vision, for sharing her wisdom, and for those nudges and pushes.

Rema K Giridhar

Director, Process & Design Educationist, Psychologist & Visualiser

Service: Step Up Women’s Leadership Development Programme

Step Up is a beautiful journey of self-discovery, how to overcome hurdles at your workplace, and deal with your inner critic. I’ve made it a point to practice audio-centering on a daily basis. This has helped me immensely to mold myself when dealing with complex project-related issues and to help build better relationships with my colleagues and teammates. My vision of becoming a great leader is finally a reality. When I first met Sailaja Manacha, I could see she exudes an aura of abundant positive energy and how beautifully she spreads that energy to people around her.

“Don’t hesitate to take the first step.”

Vidya Srivatsan

Service: Step Up Women’s Leadership Development Programme

For Personal Development Through TA 101

I first got to know Sailaja as a TA practitioner when she came to teach us TA101. Since then, I’ve had several interactions with Sai, and my impression of her as a professional and as an individual has only grown. She is extremely thorough when she takes a subject. She examines it through multiple lenses and takes all her participants on an amazing journey. Her ability to fluidly use various tools is fantastic and indicates her expertise and ease with them. I have often gained inspiration from her work and hope that she will continue to inspire me and many others as she continues on her chosen path.
Snehal Mulajkar

HR and Talent Management Leader, Alstom

Service: TA 101

My interaction with Sai was when I got the opportunity to attend her TA101, she made the experience mutually rewarding. It was so effective that I feel she is my mentor forever.

All of her support and long-term guidance helped me to make decisions. She shared her personal experience about life in general, which gave insight on navigating the process(women come across) successfully, this can be possible only when the mentor is also a woman:)

Sai helped me to learn a lot about myself- how well I am able to control my emotions, whether I am able to provide a vision that motivates others, and so on.

I’m grateful that I can interact with her. If there’s any way you can interact with Sai, Please do so.

Preeti Kumari

Manager, Software Engineering Cerner Corporation

Service: TA 101 and Women’s leadership development

The TA 101 course has been an incredible journey, offering deep insights into Transactional Analysis, a powerful tool for understanding human interactions and communication. I’m grateful for the knowledge and skills gained, and I can’t wait to apply them in both my personal and professional life.

A big thank you to Sailaja Manacha and Ragini for their excellent guidance and engaging teaching. I’m now better equipped to enhance my communication, build healthier relationships, and lead with empathy. I look forward to putting these learnings into practice and continuing to grow both personally and in my career.

Divya Vilvanathan

Marketing Communications Executive, Siemens Advanta

Service: TA 101


My first interaction with Sai was when I did her TA101. It was a two-day program but the learnings from it have lasted a lifetime, thanks to Sai’s effectiveness as a trainer and facilitator. It inspired me to further my TA studies.

I also did her SALT program.. Integration of TA concepts with somatic practices and mindfulness exercises was particularly helpful and has stuck on. I could immediately apply them in my work and there has been a noticeable positive impact in my interactions with people and my approach to situations. It was insightful being coached by Sai during SALT and also watching her coach others- it was like seeing problems magically unfold and become crystal clear.

I recommend Sai as a facilitator and coach to anyone who is looking at a holistic approach to bring about sustained change in their professional or personal sphere.

Gauri Rao Sharma

Facilitator, and Coach for individuals, teams, and organizations

Service: TA 101 & SALT Digital Relational Intelligence program

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