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1:1 Leadership Coaching

What is leadership coaching?
Why is leadership coaching needed?

One-on-one leadership coaching is helpful for you when you require to meet the following goals:

  • You are transitioning to a bigger role or facing new challenges in your organisation
  • You are setting up a new business or your venture is entering a new growth phase
  • You want to create impact and influence as an independent business owner
  • You are building a core team and preparing for aggressive growth as a startup founder

    Who needs leadership coaching?

    Corporate executives, founders, entrepreneurs, solo-preneurs and independent leaders

     Why leadership coaching? What is the difference leadership coaching can make?

    With one-on-one leadership coaching, you unlock your leadership potential and are able to take on new and bigger roles. Your leadership coach could help you address your professional and personal limitations, and overcome them to become more well-rounded as a leader. With the attention you receive as part of one on one leadership coaching, you are able to function strategically and purposefully to achieve your goals.

    The coaching journey with Sai

    The journey begins with a discovery session where I meet with the client to introduce my background and approach to coaching. I learn about their problem areas and intended goals. After establishing a fit we proceed to have a coaching contract and begin the sessions.

    Sessions 1 & 2 are spent setting clear goals and understanding the client’s personal background. Leaders find their personal unlock journey to be unraveling. We focus on uncovering patterns that affect behaviors, emotions, limiting beliefs, etc. Opening up on issues & bringing out awareness of the leaders’ inner thought processes is an integral step. Awareness leads to choice, which creates a clear commitment to change from the client. Sometimes there is reading provided and small action contracts made so they begin applying the learning from coaching right away.

    A midway review happens to exchange assessments about changes made & sometimes to set more ambitious goals. At times life and career changes require both coach and client to pivot with a new plan.

    Transformative coaching takes insights into action. The coaching journey ends with assessing how far the coachee has achieved their promises, celebrating successes, and a plan for sustaining and supporting themselves ahead is made.

    What happens after coaching?

    Leaders continue to apply their learning from coaching to situations they face.
    Many keep referring back to notes they have taken, readings they were provided, and books that were of assistance during the coaching process.
    Leaders are sometimes provided with templates that support them in mapping their promises and actions so they stay the course.
    Leaders stay in touch with updating the coach on how they are doing after coaching gets over because the coach-client relationship is such that there is a reaching out as and when needed. As a coach, I will sometimes off and on send them blogs or content that I believe is relevant to their ambitions and goals.

    Some leaders do come back to coaching for a second term when they see the need. Sometimes coaching reveals that they should be working with a different kind of coach to provide them focus, for example, a health coach, a business coach, or a strategy coach in which case I would support them with a referral too.

    Leadership coaching examples

    Meet the Coach — Sailaja Manacha

    As founder and coach at Physis, Sailaja Manacha operates at the unique confluence of psychology and leadership practices. She is known for her impactful executive leadership coaching services that use radical self enquiry. The outcome is that leaders engage with their inner edge, expand their influence and reach where they want to go. Sailaja is an accredited psychotherapist, an ICF Master Certified Coach, and a bestselling author.

    Sailaja Manacha operates at the unique confluence of psychology and leadership practices. She is known for her impactful executive leadership coaching services that use radical self enquiry. The outcome is that leaders engage with their inner edge, expand their influence and reach where they want to go. Sailaja is an accredited psychotherapist, an ICF Professional Certified Coach, and a bestselling author.


    Will there be other participants in the program? Can I share my challenges confidentially with Sailaja?
    Leadership coaching is purely a one-to-one program where you work directly with Sailaja on your individual goals and challenges. During your leadership coaching sessions, there will be no other participants, so you can share the specifics of your situation without having to worry about privacy issues.
    Is there a set curriculum or can the program be curated for my requirements?

    Since this is a one-to-one program, the curriculum is curated exclusively for your needs. Before you begin, Sailaja will work with you to understand your specific challenges and goals, and chart out a coaching pathway for you.

    How long is the one-to-one leadership coaching program?
    One-on-one leadership coaching creates results in 3-6 months’ time. For best results, leadership coaching for 10-12 sessions over a year is recommended when leaders need to make an impact on 3-4 goals they are working towards.
    What is the coaching format of this program (pre-recorded /live / online / in-person)?
    Do I need leadership coaching if I am a solo-preneur and don’t lead a team?
    Yes, leadership coaching is absolutely essential, and here’s why. As a solo-preneur or independent professional, you may not be leading a team in the conventional sense, but you still have to work with clients, customers, vendors and other external partners. You have to assert influence and establish yourself as an authority figure within a very short span of time after meeting them. Of course, you have to practise self-leadership too, so that you can keep learning and expanding your boundaries. So leadership coaching will prove immensely beneficial for you.

    E-Book: Self-mastery for leaders

    Here is an e-book on ideas for self-mastery for leaders. The nuggets inside will provoke you & provide you with ideas for daily practice.

    Get in touch for one on one leadership coaching


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