Women Leadership Program – Step Up

Step Up – is a course inspired by my own book Step Up and is meant for mid to senior professional women. The objective of the course is to strengthen a woman’s identity as they journey to excellence and expansion.

It enables women leaders to address the challenges they face due to internal barriers in self. It also provides tools to navigate their organizational ecosystem with ambition and drive. Empowering practical advice, strategies, and exercises are taught during the course of the program.

How does Step Up for women help?

Step Up is truly unique among women’s mid-career leadership programs, and is designed to tackle challenges as you step up in your career. In this course, you will:

  • Become aware of early experiences that shaped who you are.
  • Become self-aware seeing both your strengths and your inner critic that holds you back.
  • Identify your ‘CARES’ — what truly matters, where you wish to focus.
  • Refocus your energy and time on actions and mindsets that grow you and step up to leadership.
  • Learn to initiate actions and conversations that get you results from your team.
  • Learn how to overcome obstacles with powerful tools to make an impact on your boss, clients, team.

    Testimonials  for the Step Up Course

    I haven’t met a person who is more passionate about women’s leadership development than Sai! She has been running the Step-up program for mid-career women leaders for many years for our business. Her colleague Jacintha teaches the Rise Up program for young career women. The aim is to help these women to get ready for the next steps in their careers. These programs have helped build their confidence to take the next steps in their roles and provided guidance on how to work through challenges that might be unique to women leaders in our ecosystem.

    Harsh Bapat

    Vice-President and Head of Mobility, Siemens Advanta

    Service: Step Up  – Emerging Women’s Leadership Programme

    I have known, worked with, and learnt immensely from Sailaja Manacha. To me, she has been a sounding board and a coach who has touched my professional life through her meaningful programs whether it was TA 101 or Step-Up. I have been able to take an inside view of myself and my behavior after I attended her programs. I also learnt the benefits of centering, taking action, and holding conversations that are crucial for my professional success. I would recommend Sai and her work to anybody who wishes to do inner work and leverage that experience to improve professionally.
    Simren Mehn

    Head-OD & Leadership Development-India| Award winning coach | Diversity & Inclusion champion| Speaker| Thought Leader-Talent Management

    Service: TA 101 & Step Up – Women’s Leadership Programme

    How does the Step Up leadership program work?

    • You are eligible for the Step Up mid-career leadership program if you have over 6-7 years of experience.
    • This women leadership program is taught through 12 digital modules.
    • Online modules include video lessons, live calls and assignments.
    • During the Step Up leadership program, the group will be divided into smaller sub-groups for deeper engagement during the live sessions.
    • There will be activities and discussions that you will be required to participate in along with your sub-group.
    • It can be taught as a compact online course over 4 months. Alternatively, it can be blended with face-to-face sessions and coaching over a span of 6-8 months.
    • You can put the learnings from the Step Up for women program to practice from the very first session.

    This course has got nothing to do with managing your external forces. This is all about you…”

    “There were so many truths about myself that I realised, that I was evading all these years, and that truly helped me change as a person today…”
    “The course really laid out the blueprint for me, how do you blueprint presence? How do you blueprint authenticity? Not just by saying, but by showing…”

    FAQs about Step Up

    Is Step Up a live course or a pre-recorded digital course?

    Step Up is a blended course. You can watch the pre-recorded lectures at your own pace. The Q&A sessions from Step Up leadership program will be hosted over live calls so you can get your doubts answered by Sai.

    Will I get a promotion or get to lead a team after attending Step Up?

    The CARES, actions, and learnings in this women’s mid career leadership program will definitely equip you to step up to leadership and play bigger roles. But of course, the efficacy of Step Up depends on how you put the learnings to practice.

    Can I access the sessions from Step Up on my mobile phone?

    Yes, the learning management platform on which Step Up is uploaded is compatible with mobile devices. After registering, you will receive the login credentials that you can use to sign in through Android and iOS devices and step up to leadership.

    Do I qualify for Power Up after Step Up?

    It would depend on various parameters. Explore this possibility after you complete Step Up by writing to Sai at sailaja@physis.co.in

    Outcomes created by Step Up Course:

    1. Over 700 women have successfully completed the Step Up Course.
    2. Many have assumed bigger roles and greater responsibilities in their careers.
    3. Some have moved to newer roles, moved geographies, and achieved personal milestones like publishing a book.
    4. Pitching for ambitious projects and winning awards, being on stage has become a new normal for some.
    5. Some took charge of health goals through radical self-care learning.
    6. Enhanced leadership presence and powerful conversations are now an integral aspect of leading.

    Got Questions for Step Up? Ask Now

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