Women Leadership Program – Step Up

After 6-7 years of experience as a woman professional, do you:

  • See multiple goals and responsibilities fragmenting your attention and energies?
  • Overthink and doubt yourself while you step up to lead crucial projects?
  • Find yourself in a rut with the way you work, lead and step up to leadership?
  • Find yourself being held back by your own thoughts and beliefs?
  • Feel that you are still waiting to make a career step up?
  • Find you need tools to make an impression on your boss, team and clients?

How does Step Up for women help?

Step Up is truly unique among women’s mid-career leadership programs, and is designed to tackle challenges as you step up in your career. In this course, you will:

  • Become aware of early experiences that shaped who you are.
  • Become self-aware seeing both your strengths and your inner critic that holds you back.
  • Identify your ‘CARES’ — what truly matters, where you wish to focus.
  • Refocus your energy and time on actions and mindsets that grow you and step up to leadership.
  • Learn to initiate actions and conversations that get you results from your team.
  • Learn how to overcome obstacles with powerful tools to make an impact on your boss, clients, team.

    Participants’ Experience

    Glad I took this course which has started me on this evolution journey towards a better self and a better leader. It has helped me both personally and professionally. A very crisp and insightful course which has become a total game changer for me. Couldn’t have been any better. Thank you Sai.


    Software Development Manager, MNC

    To simply allow myself to be visible to others with an inner conviction and confidence that arises from valuing and strengthening the foundations of a good relationship – both with the self and the other. That’s what step-up has been all about for me.

    Karuna G

    Founder, A Centre for Joyful Movement

    Is Step Up leadership program effective?

    • Over 400 women have completed the Step Up course.
    • They have gone on to assume bigger roles and responsibilities at work and recieved an immense career step up.
    • Success parameters include promotions, new speaking and publishing opportunities, and crucial client-facing roles.
    • Divya Amarnath: Went on to assume a new role and publish a book.
    • Meeta Jain: Won awards and pitched for ambitious projects as an architect.
    • Sushma Devadiga: Scaled up to play a crucial role abroad for a year.
    • Ashwini Karumbaiah: Took on a bigger role and then started her entrepreneurial journey.

    How does the Step Up leadership program work?

    • You are eligible for the Step Up mid-career leadership program if you have over 6-7 years of experience.
    • This women leadership program is taught through 12 digital modules.
    • Online modules include video lessons, live calls and assignments.
    • During the Step Up leadership program, the group will be divided into smaller sub-groups for deeper engagement during the live sessions.
    • There will be activities and discussions that you will be required to participate in along with your sub-group.
    • It can be taught as a compact online course over 4 months. Alternatively, it can be blended with face-to-face sessions and coaching over a span of 6-8 months.
    • You can put the learnings from the Step Up for women program to practice from the very first session.

    This course has got nothing to do with managing your external forces. This is all about you…”

    “There were so many truths about myself that I realised, that I was evading all these years, and that truly helped me change as a person today…”
    “The course really laid out the blueprint for me, how do you blueprint presence? How do you blueprint authenticity? Not just by saying, but by showing…”

    FAQs about Step Up

    Is Step Up a live course or a pre-recorded digital course?

    Step Up is a blended course. You can watch the pre-recorded lectures at your own pace. The Q&A sessions from Step Up leadership program will be hosted over live calls so you can get your doubts answered by Sai.

    Will I get a promotion or get to lead a team after attending Step Up?

    The CARES, actions, and learnings in this women’s mid career leadership program will definitely equip you to step up to leadership and play bigger roles. But of course, the efficacy of Step Up depends on how you put the learnings to practice.

    Can I access the sessions from Step Up on my mobile phone?

    Yes, the learning management platform on which Step Up is uploaded is compatible with mobile devices. After registering, you will receive the login credentials that you can use to sign in through Android and iOS devices and step up to leadership.

    Do I qualify for Power Up after Step Up?

    It would depend on various parameters. Explore this possibility after you complete Step Up by writing to Sai at sailaja@physis.co.in

    Got Questions for Step Up? Ask Now

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