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SALT – High Potential Leaders Program

As a leader of a team do you:

  • Do you struggle to communicate powerfully with your teams, clients, and other stakeholders?
  • Do you have self-imposed limits and negative talk affecting your ability to generate results?
  • Do you wish to enhance the possibility that others trust you and wish to do more work with you and for you?
  • Do you wish to learn approaches that enable you to influence senior stakeholders and business partners?
  • Do you wish to be better at difficult conversations and challenging conflict situations?

The SALT – High Potential Leaders program is designed to serve all the above needs.  It empowers leaders to lead effectively and bring about results that matter. Craft the people skills you need for today’s challenging business environments.

What happens when you develop Relational Intelligence?

  • Awareness creates choice.
  • Understanding your and others’ emotions, behaviours and thought patterns helps you choose how to interact.
  • You build flexibility in your communication style so you achieve the results you want.
  • Your relationship with your superiors, clients and peers improves.
  • You find several interpersonal solutions for tough situations at work.


Shefali Kosta

Co-founder, Swadhaa Waldorf Learning Center

“…it felt like a personal coaching almost in spite of it being a group…”

Manavalan Karunanithi

Founder & CEO, LMTEQ

“…I loved these conversations with you..Especially when you spoke about the difference between emotions and mood…”

Vandana Srivastava

Founder & CEO, IT Company

“…This course has also given me a template to constantly reflect upon…”

How does S.A.L.T. help build relational intelligence?

  • S.A.L.T. stands for the four pillars of relational intelligence — Somatic Learning, Authentic Conversations, Language & Leadership and Trust Building. This relational intelligence program helps you identify and change old behaviour patterns that may have been causing you to think and respond in negative ways.
  • S.A.L.T programme gives a large toolkit to improve your people skills and improve your relational intelligence quotient, that is, your relational IQ. You learn what builds trust with your subordinates, peers and superiors. Tough agreements, difficult negotiations, collaborations, and sticky conversations become easy with relational intelligence solutions.


What is Relational Intelligence?

Relational Intelligence is the act of relating with others intelligently. It’s a capacity, a mindset and a process.

It teaches you how to be connected and stay connected amid tasks. It is what helps forge the personal connections and trust with others that let you see things from each other’s perspectives and overcome the problem at hand.

What is a relational resume?

Your relational resume holds the details of who you are, your behavioral history and details of how you formed relationships in the past. In order to understand this, you need to delve into yourself. You need to uncover your backstory, the things that influenced you in childhood and the stands that you took then.

How does relational intelligence impact professional development?

Relational Intelligence builds self-awareness and the capacity to understand and resonate with others. It helps you understand your moods and emotions and build trust.

How does relational intelligence impact professional development?

Relational Intelligence builds self-awareness and the capacity to understand and resonate with others. It helps you understand your moods and emotions and build trust.

Why do I need relational intelligence as a leader?

Leaders need to interact with various stakeholders, both within and outside the organisation. They may come from various cultural backgrounds, and have different interests and values from you. Yet, you will need to connect with them interpersonally, and act in an ethical manner to overcome challenges.

Is relational intelligence helpful for me as an entrepreneur?

Yes. Relational Intelligence enables you to have conversations with yourself and others, which helps you build capacity.

Does relational intelligence help in managing clients?

Yes. The relationships you build with clients are based on the conversations – both the ones you have and the ones you do not. Relational Intelligence helps you have these conversations in a way that shifts the outcome.

Does relational intelligence address interpersonal trust breakdowns in team?

Yes, it enables teams to build trust with each other by having good conversations. It fosters relationships based on honesty and helps team members handle conflict with grace.

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