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For Organizations

Your organization may need leadership training and coaching if you notice one or more of these:

  • Teams are ineffective due to communication breakdowns.
  • Clients and delivery teams experience trust breakdowns.
  • Managers are losing their followership as they lack emotional intelligence.
  • Leaders transitioning to bigger roles need support to do it with speed and ease.

Leadership training and coaching in organizations are valuable here. Sailaja Manacha is focused on building effective relational skills in leaders in order to conquer these problems. By upskilling leaders for bigger roles with the help of leadership training organizations like Physis, you can build credibility amongst stakeholders so they lead with purpose and clarity.

Organizations we have worked with

Leadership Mastery

Bespoke Programs


These are specially curated programs tailored to a specific objective. Typically HR, OD or a business leader provides a problem statement and an intervention is designed. The intervention can be run over many months and aims to achieve specific goals that are defined at the start. Bespoke programs are experiential and action oriented to improve not just the executive’s performance but also the business and team culture.

High Potential Leaders

High potential leaders come together as a group to gain insights into relational intelligence tools. These tools are vital to create impact and influence with multiple stakeholders. These programs aim to provide awareness on somatic learning, conversational intelligence, effective leadership language along with learning to build trust. Where required psychometric tools are also deployed. The program encourages leaders to identify and change old thinking and behaviour patterns that limit their Relational IQ.

Women Leaders

Women face some unique challenges in their career. Catering to women professionals in different stages of their career, these unique women leadership programs STEP UP, RISE UP & POWER UP help women to navigate their leadership journey with confidence, balance and ambition.

1:1 Leadership Coaching


One on one leadership coaching is an individually tailored experience to suit senior executives. Coaching is useful in situations such as transitioning to a bigger role, preparing your organization or team to enter a new growth phase or expanding an existing business. It is meant for leaders wanting impact and influence as well executive presence. Walk along with Sailaja Manacha to unlock your potential, lead with gravitas and clarity.


What is the difference between Leadership Coaching and Training?
Leadership coaching is individually focussed. These programs offer one-on-one coaching, helping leaders overcome particular challenges and move towards specific goals. Leadership training is designed to educate and upskill larger groups. It equips them for broader challenges in the organization.
How do you decide if your organization needs a leadership training or coaching program?
If you are looking to help mid- to senior leaders of your organization prepare for specific long-term goals, a coaching program is the right option. The specifications of Sailaja Manacha’s programs are customized as per the leaders’ requirements and your organization’s needs.

If you would like to enable larger teams and groups to gain knowledge and learn new skills, a training program is the right choice. Leadership training can be offered to professionals across all stages of their career.

How long is the one-to-one leadership coaching?
Coaching creates results in 3-6 months’ time. For best results, coaching for 10-12 sessions over a year is recommended when leaders need to make an impact on the 3-4 goals they are working towards.
How many participants make a great group for leadership coaching?

4 people make a good cohort for a group for coaching.

S.A.L.T – Group Leadership Program

Break out of old patterns, build better relationships with your colleagues and bosses and interact with others in a way that gets you desired actions and results. This 3 month program gives you 12-18 hours of live group leadership coaching along with great digital content. It offers valuable learning to anyone leading teams.

Women Leadership Programmes

Power Up

Best for 15+ years of experience


Amplify your influence and impact, lead your business with purpose and clarity, and get grounded in power.

Step Up

Best for under 10 years of experience


Exit limiting patterns, learn tools to build authority at work, and add value to your boss, team and clients.

Meet the Coach — Sailaja Manacha

As founder and coach at Physis, Sailaja Manacha operates at the unique confluence of psychology and leadership practices. She is known for her impactful executive leadership coaching services that use radical self enquiry. The outcome is that leaders engage with their inner edge, expand their influence and reach where they want to go. Sailaja is an accredited psychotherapist, an ICF Master Certified Coach, and a bestselling author.

Sailaja Manacha operates at the unique confluence of psychology and leadership practices. She is known for her impactful executive leadership coaching services that use radical self enquiry. The outcome is that leaders engage with their inner edge, expand their influence and reach where they want to go. Sailaja is an accredited psychotherapist, an ICF Professional Certified Coach, and a bestselling author.

E-Book: Self-mastery for leaders

Here is an e-book on ideas for self-mastery for leaders. The nuggets inside will provoke you & provide you with ideas for daily practice.

Get in touch with Sailaja Manacha for leadership training and coaching


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