In the relentless pursuit of success and progress, it’s easy to overlook one crucial aspect that can make all the difference in our journey: self-care. 

As leaders, our responsibilities and challenges are unique. While focusing on our professional commitments is essential, taking care of ourselves is equally vital.

Self-care isn’t just about indulging in occasional treats. It is a strategic practice that can empower to become better leaders and pave the way for self-leadership.

Understanding Self-Care

Self-care goes beyond the conventional notion of spa days and leisure activities. It involves adopting a comprehensive approach to cultivating physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

It revolves around:

  • effectively managing stress
  • fostering beneficial routines
  • cultivating positive habits
  • prioritizing overall health and well-being

Hear what Abhay Singhal, a leader from Inmobi has to say about self-care here.

Self-Care’s Impact on Leadership

Leadership demands resilience, adaptability, and clarity of thought. Incorporating self-care practices into the routine can significantly enhance these attributes.

  1. Enhanced Resilience: The challenges that leaders face can be demanding and draining. Self-care rituals, such as mindfulness exercises and regular physical exercise, increase emotional resilience. This enables me to handle setbacks with grace and regain focus quickly.
  2. Sharper Decision-Making: Self-care directly affects cognitive abilities. Prioritizing sleep, for instance, can lead to improved concentration, better problem-solving skills, and more effective decision-making.
  3. Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: At its core, effective leadership depends on the skill to connect with others. Self-care practices like meditation and journaling can cultivate emotional intelligence, allowing one to understand and emotions of the self and that of the team’.
  4. Increased Energy Levels: Engaging in self-care activities like proper nutrition and regular physical activity leads to higher energy levels. This increased vitality provides leaders with the stamina needed to navigate demanding situations. It helps to maintain an optimal level of engagement with responsibilities.
  5. Stress Reduction: Self-care practices, such as deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques, alleviate stress. Leaders often operate in high-pressure environments, and managing stress through self-care can contribute to overall well-being and prevent burnout.
  6. Enhanced Creativity: Taking time for self-care allows leaders to recharge their creative energies. Pursuing hobbies, spending time in nature, and engaging in artistic endeavors stimulate fresh perspectives and innovative thinking. These are valuable assets for effective leadership.
  7. Conflict Resolution Skills: Self-care can enhance a leader’s ability to manage conflicts constructively. Practices that promote self-awareness, such as self-reflection and emotional regulation, equip leaders with the patience and empathy required to navigate conflicts and find mutually beneficial solutions.

A relevant read:

What Happens When Leaders Adopt a Growth Mindset?


The Interplay between Self-Care and Leadership

Leadership and self-care are not mutually exclusive; in fact, they are interconnected. Neglecting self-care can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and strained relationships. These ultimately affect the effectiveness of a leader.

On the other hand, embracing self-care fosters a positive cycle. By taking care of ourselves self we are equipped to lead, which, in turn, positively impacts our overall well-being.

You may find it helpful:

10 practices so a growth mindset can flourish.

The Journey to Self-Leadership through Self-Care

Self-leadership involves self-awareness, self-motivation, and a deep sense of purpose. Self-care is the stepping stone that paves the way for self-leadership.

  1. Self-Awareness: Practicing self-care allows you to connect with the inner self, understand your strengths and limitations, and align your actions with your values. This heightened self-awareness is the foundation of effective self-leadership.
  2. Self-motivation: A well-rested and balanced leader is inherently more motivated. Self-care habits fuel energy levels and enthusiasm, enabling me to set ambitious goals and inspire others to follow suit.
  3. Leading by Example: When self-care is prioritized, you send a powerful message to your team. You show them that taking care of oneself is not a sign of weakness but a strategic move towards becoming a more effective leader.
  4. Growth Mindset: Engaging in self-care as part of the self-leadership journey that cultivates a growth mindset. This mindset allows us to embrace change, learn from failures, and continuously seek opportunities for growth and development.
  5. Time Management Mastery: Through self-care practices like time blocking and setting boundaries, time management skills are learned. Efficiently managing time empowers me to prioritize tasks, focus on high-impact activities, and lead with efficiency.
  6. Continuous Learning: Self-care encourages a commitment to lifelong learning. Embracing new knowledge and skills not only enriches the leadership capabilities but also sets an example for your team, promoting a culture of curiosity and self-improvement.

Readers’ choice:

The one fountainhead principle for leading strong


Self-care isn’t a luxury; it’s an essential investment in the leadership journey. By nurturing well-being, you are enhancing your leadership capabilities while influencing decision-making skills. We all thrive in an environment of growth.

I now invite you to get your copy of self-care practices, which have been tailored for leaders like yourself.  The practices are easy to integrate into your daily life and are doable.

“27 Essential Self-Care Practices for Leaders”. Download the PDF here. Elevate your leadership by prioritizing self-care today!

I would like to know which practice will you start with and what resonated with you.

Sailaja Manacha

Sailaja Manacha, a Master certified Coach from ICF, is known for her programs and coaching methods that combine psychology with leadership practices. In her work, Sailaja draws from Psychology, Ontology, NLP and Spiritual frameworks as well as rich, real-world experiences.

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