Sailaja Manacha’s Leadership Blog
What Happens When Leaders Adopt a Growth Mindset?
My previous two blogs on growth mindset in business focused on how we may fake the growth mindset...
Coaching For Leadership In The ‘New Normal’ Workplace
Covid-19 changed the way we approach life. The lockdown redefined work cultures, ethics, and...
6 Steps to Handle a Manipulative Senior
Team environments can be complex and manipulative. They are complex because team dynamics are not...
How Leaders Can Create a Safe-to-Fail Environment at Work?
Leadership has many facets. An important one is to create an environment that fosters learning,...
How Leaders Can Shift from Hostility to Empathy?
Aggression causes a lot of tension. Anywhere; in the workplace, at home, or within oneself. I was...
Women Leaders, Do You Identify these Maladaptive Patterns?
Sample these scenarios: #Scenario 1 - You're sitting at a client meeting and you have some really...
5 Reasons Why Leaders Don’t Ace Delegation?
Most of us know that delegation is an important aspect of leadership. Yet I see much struggle...
The upside to having provocative conversations at work
Conversations around the lunch table at work are great. Everyone is interactive, the whole mood is...