Questions have the power. And the right questions can reveal a whole new zone of potential for a seeker. Executive leadership coaching is one of the most profound ways for senior leaders to level up their leadership skills and achieve overall personal and professional success. 

However, the efficacy of coaching depends on the quality of conversations between the leader and the coach. Discussing the right questions not only opens the room for valuable insights for professional growth but also leads to significant personal breakthroughs. 

I have had countless conversations with senior leaders, and I have been in awe of the questions I have received. Based on my experience, I am sharing 7 powerful questions to discuss with your executive leadership coach. 


How do I find my blind spots?

Knowing your blind spots can be useful in dealing with conflict situations, However, identifying your blind spots can be challenging initially, but it’s crucial for personal growth. This question has always led to sensitive conversations in my coaching sessions because it involves honest feedback and a high level of self-awareness.

I remember an executive discovering that his tendency to micromanage was restricting the team performance. Knowing and addressing this blind spot led to greater delegation, more space and ownership to the team and eventually an improved team morale and productivity.

Learn how relational intelligence can help you identify and address your blind spots. Read more here!


How Can I Improve My Decision-Making Process?

Timely, quick and calculated decision-making is one of key foundations of leadership. It needs a strong presence of mind. Leaders make decisions every day, small or big. This is one of the most common questions I receive in my coaching conversations. 

It was interesting for a senior manager to realize the involvement of his team in the decision-making process and how it led to better outcomes and increased accountability and buy-in from employees.

A study by McKinsey & Company found that decision-making processes that include diverse perspectives are 87% more likely to result in better outcomes.


What Strategies Can I Use to Build & Lead a High-Performance Team?

Teams have been the center point for many organizational leaders. Great teams make great businesses. This question leads to discussing strategies to experiment and practice several team dynamics and performance.

One of my best recommendations for a highly productive and motivated team is implementing regular team-building activities and open communication channels. We have noticed nearly 20% increase in team productivity within 6 months of introducing such team building activities.

Did you know that teams with high levels of trust and communication can achieve performance increases of 25% or more (according to a study by Deloitte)


How Can I Deal with Organizational Change Effectively?

Change is inevitable. Change is the only constant thing at work and life. Managing change effectively is one of the most powerful skills that I have seen only in a few leaders. Working around this question allows you to take your leadership skills to the next level as you develop mental muscle and strategies for leading through transitions.


How Can I Work on My Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence has been a great subject of discussion in the last 5 years. Discussing this question with your coach helps you develop and practice EI skills to improve personal relationships, social networks and team dynamics.

I often suggest starting with practicing empathy and active listening. These two practices are at the core of EI and lead to better team cohesion and reduced conflicts.

Get to know how emotional intelligence helps you become a better leader.


How do I Find My Leadership Style, and How Can I Adapt It?

Understanding and adapting your leadership style can improve your communication and decision making in different situations, especially the difficult ones. Taking this question at a deeper level helps you with high self-awareness and flexibility about how you lead.

I have written a blog about different leadership styles. Take a minute to go through – Leadership Styles

In one of the Powerup leadership coaching sessions, a senior manager discovered that her authoritative style was not resonating with her creative team, so she adopted a more collaborative approach, resulting in improved innovation, engagement and most interestingly better bonding and trust between her and the team.


How Can I Balance Short-Term Goals with Long-Term Vision?

Short-term goals and achievements keep us motivated. And long-term goals drive our life and vision. Balancing immediate objectives with long-term vision is crucial for sustainable success. 

I strongly suggest discussing this question with your leadership coach. It helps align daily activities with strategic goals.

Engaging in meaningful conversations with your executive leadership coach can help you upskill your leadership capabilities and deal with the complex challenges of leading high-performing teams and organizations.

Leadership coaching is not just about addressing weaknesses and blind spots but also about playing on your strengths and nurturing a growth mindset. Before you see the change at organization level, you will witness a transformation in yourself. Think of leadership coaching as an invaluable investment for senior leaders aiming for excellence at personal and professional life.


What question do you have in mind to discuss with your coach? Let me know!


See you soon with another insightful post for senior leaders.

Your Guide and Leadership coach


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